The Social Dilemma


Here’s a look at the UI design from the Netflix film The Social Dilemma. This is a really interesting project as it involves a lot of augmented UI, where mobile social media interactions are augmented into the environment of the user for the context of a film. Basically it simultaneous shows a user interacting with a device while at the same time showing the viewer what they’re looking at. This provides really evocative opportunities from a film making and storytelling point of view, as it allows you to accentuate and dramatise powerful interactions which would otherwise be visually underwhelming.

Content feed

Below are some really good examples of how augmented UI can be used to great effect. In a shot that would otherwise just show a kid leaning against a locker, the screen content of the kid’s device is augmented beside him giving the audience more context into what he’s doing whilst also creating a mixed environment that gives you a idea of the world he’s currently in, both physically and virtually.


In the shot below we see the boy walking through the kitchen and up the stairs, nearly stumbling. The augmented UI presents an almost claustrophobic feeling with the content following and pestering him so much in just a few steps. Having these images pop up around the family home feels so intrusive and completely changes the serenity of a quiet home.


In this bedroom shot, the seemingly innocent act of browsing your phone in bed has been visualised as a room full of animated wallpaper. At first it feels interesting and engaging but very soon you realise that you can’t even see your room.


Data visualisation

Throughout the film are some nice examples of data visualisation, especially some of the animated graphs. Among these graphs are horizontal and vertical carousels, data clouds, radar graphs, and more.


I highly recommend watching The Social Dilemma, not only for the FUI but also for the issues raised around personal data and the insights provided by some former employees of some of the biggest social platforms in the world.

As a dad of two kids under the age of ten, the concepts around this film/doco-drama are quite concerning, particularly when thinking about the future and I really wonder about its effects on Gen Z’s that grew up in this environment. Definitely worth watching if you haven’t already.