Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice - UI Design
Film, GUIs, HUDsJono Yuenon-set GFX, drones, OS, scopes, corporate, film, guis, huds, reticles, map
The Hunger Games - Mocking Jay UI by Cantina Creative
Film, GUIsJono Yuenmedical, security, schematics, radar, map, military, touch screen, film, guis, on-set GFX
Hyper-Reality by Keiichi Matsuda
Film, Future Visions, GUIs, HUDsJono YuenAR, voice control, VR, environment scan, short film, wayfinding, future lab
Cantina Creative - GFX Reel
Film, Games, GUIs, HUDsJono Yueneye scanning, security, holographic, gesture, touch screen, huds, guis, cockpit, video conferencing, map, screen sharing, marvel, hacking, invisible keyboard, tracking, cars, commercial, reticles, suit, film
Insurgent UI
Star Wars UI
Film, GUIs, HUDsJono Yuenlo fi, holographic, video conferencing, 70s, 80s, viewfinder, simulation, retro, cockpit, space, AR, film, military, schematics
SPECTRE - 007 UI by Rushes
Film, GUIsJono Yuenbriefing, diagnostics, security, tracking, presentation, schematics, spy, medical, film, guis
Furious 7 by Cantina Creative
Film, GUIs, HUDsJono Yuenbriefing, hacking, drones, tracking, tablets, environment scan, map, cars, reticles, scanner, touch screen, film, huds, guis, video playback, data visualisation, wayfinding, security
Retro UI - Decrypt by Peter Clark
The Martian - UI design
The Grays by Henry Hobson - HUD design
Miles - Proof-of-concept short film